Bernie Weigand

Bernie Weigand creates with visual art and words, often simultaneously. Called a “practical visionary,” she finds the kernel of an idea and expresses it; thus, her recurring theme is “Images Speak–Words Create,” the name of her series. The first in the series is Mystery Puzzle ~ Activating Community Voices. “Spirit Wind” follows. She has published 5 limited edition, hand-bound books, and hundreds of prints of commissioned art ( A teacher, she enjoys creating engaging, clear materials for students and colleagues.

She enjoys wild, open spaces and her four grown-and-flown children. Her Southern Oregon organic garden bears abundantly, a huge contrast to what she attempted growing for 13 years, off-grid in the mountains. Most of her work emerges from a moment of wonder, or when thinking with God while journaling.

Mystery Puzzle ~ Activating Community Voices

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